Friday, September 21, 2007

Just in Case

Phrase: "un orso ha mangiato lo squalo"
Translation: "a bear ate the shark"
Category: just in case
It was the last day of Italian class and Antonella tricked us into practicing past tense by starting with "Eiri, sono andata alla spiaggia..." and having us add to the story in turn. We started out with mundane things: we ate, drank, swam, slept, and even went to church. But somewhere along the way, the day went crazy. A shark was added to the mix, which ate the collective I, but then we somehow escaped, found an island, and took a shower. Then, a bear was introduced and mayhem ensued, a second shark was introduced, and I think Henry slept, with the bear and shark, before escaping to Rome (I lost track of the subject at this point). But before we knew it, we woke up, courtesy of Scott.

Also interesting, according to my dictionary, 'bear' has a different connotation in Italian than in English--it refers to an unsociable person.

1 comment:

eliJoel said...

Oh My gosh! Jealous!
well told